

ACHA Defeat, Trump Weighs Options, Secret Pact Brought Down the Repeal, Lawmakers Looking to Bipartisanship for Healthcare Reform, ACA Can Still Be Hobbled, Sanders to Offer Single-Payer Health Care Plan


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March 27, 2017 

Volume 4, Number 5

In This Issue

Defeat of ACHA-Leaders ‘Came Up Short’

Trump Weighs Options on Reshaping Health Care

Secret Pact Brought Down the Repeal

Lawmakers Looking to Bipartisanship for Healthcare Reform

ACA Can Still Be Hobbled

Sanders to Offer Single-Payer Health Care Plan

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Kaiser Health News: House Leaders ‘Came Up Short’ In Effort To Kill Obamacare Mary Agnes Carey reports: "Despite days of intense negotiations and last-minute concessions to win over wavering GOP conservatives and moderates, House Republican leaders Friday failed to secure enough support to pass their plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. House Speaker Paul Ryan pulled the bill from consideration after he rushed to the White House to tell President Donald Trump that there weren’t the 216 votes necessary for passage. “We came really close today, but we came up short,” he told reporters at a hastily called news conference." (Carey, 3/27)

Source: Kaiser Health News

The Wall Street Journal: With GOP Plan Dead, Trump Weighs Other Ways To Reshape Health Care With the collapse of Republicans’ health plan in the House on Friday, the Trump administration is set to ramp up its efforts to alter the Affordable Care Act in one of the few ways it has left—by making changes to the law through waivers and rule changes. The initiative now rests with Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, who has vowed to review every page of regulation and guidance related to the ACA. The steps he and the administration take next could have sweeping repercussions, accomplishing some of the same types of changes Republicans were unable to push through Congress. (Armour, 3/25)

Source: The Wall Street Journal

Politico: How A Secret Freedom Caucus Pact Brought Down Obamacare Repeal Speaker Paul Ryan and House leaders had been toiling behind closed doors for weeks assembling their Obamacare repeal bill as suspicion on the far-right simmered to a boil. So on March 7, just hours after Ryan unveiled a plan that confirmed its worst fears, the House Freedom Caucus rushed to devise a counterstrategy. The few dozen true believers knew that pressure from House leaders and President Donald Trump to fall in line would be immense and they were intent on not getting boxed in. (Bade, Dawsey and Haberkorn, 3/26)

Source: Politico

The New York Times: Some Lawmakers Now Look To Bipartisanship On Health Care The sudden death of legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act has created an opening for voices from both parties to press for fixes to the acknowledged problems in President Barack Obama’s signature health law, as lawmakers and some senior White House officials appealed for bipartisanship. But the White House, still smarting from a disastrous defeat on Friday, appeared uncertain on the path forward. President Trump predicted that “Obamacare will explode” and offered no plan to stop it, but his was not the only voice from the White House. (Pear and Shear, 3/26)

Source: The New York Times

Reuters: How Republicans Can Hobble Obamacare Even Without Repeal Republicans may have failed to overthrow Obamacare this week, but there are plenty of ways they can chip away at it. The Trump administration has already begun using its regulatory authority to water down less prominent aspects of the 2010 healthcare law. (3/26)

Source: Reuters

Politico: Sanders To Offer Single-Payer Health Care Plan Sen. Bernie Sanders said Sunday he planned to introduce a single-payer health care plan to Congress, inviting Republican leaders to negotiate the measure. “I'm going to introduce a Medicare-for-all single-payer program," Sanders told anchor Dana Bash on CNN's "State of the Union." The Vermont senator, who has repeatedly stated his support for such a plan in the past, said he hoped to garner bipartisan support for the plan. (Lima, 3/26)

Source: Politico


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